iMac Accessories Vintage

GlassFree for iMac – FAQ

Is it possible to attach the GlassFree for iMac by myself?

Sure, that’s very easy to do. The iMac’s glass is only hold by magnets and therefore the removal is quite easy. Our frame will be held by magnets, too. You can find more information on our support page.

I’d like to put the glass back on. Is that possible?

Of course you can do that. Just remove our frame and reattach the glass. Your iMac will then be in the condition as Apple delivered it.

Will I get a matte display?

No, the iMac’s display will be still glossy. All reflections caused by the glass in front of the display, however, will be eliminated. The iMac’s display will stay the same.

If you think about using an anti-glare film, then GlassFree for iMac is ideal for you. You then have the option to attach the anti-glare film directly on the display’s surface instead of the glass, which is a few millimeters apart. Therefore, you’ll get a matte display with a much less blurry picture.

My iMac glass is broken and I need a replacement, is the GlassFree frame good for that?

Sure. I you have a broken glass on your iMac, you can use our GlassFree frame as a replacement, so your iMac looks nice again and also more glare free.