iMac Accessories Vintage

GlassFree for iMac – FAQ

Is it possible to attach the GlassFree for iMac by myself? Sure, that’s very easy to do. The iMac’s glass is only hold by magnets and therefore the removal is quite easy. Our frame will be held by magnets, too. You can find more information on our support page. I’d like to put the glass […]

iMac Accessories Vintage

GlassFree for iMac

GlassFree for iMac is now made from thinner material, so you won’t notice a difference in thickness to the original glass. GlassFree for iMac is a solution for your iMac that reduces glare and removes the second focal plane in front of your display. GlassFree for iMac is a black frame that replaces the iMac’s […]